Monday, July 05, 2010

The Williams Family Academy

This is our homeschool. I have a total of 7 students lined up for next year and have begun to prepare our lessons already. Actually Meyson and Cody have kept up their schooling over this summer. Just math really.

Neither one has the patience to learn the concepts necessary to move at a rapid pace. Which in itself is ironic. They do not see the humor. Meyson will work problems thoughtfully until he gets tired of sitting there and will then just half attempt the rest. Cody will start out rebelling against the assignment, stretching it out over hours until she finally breaks down crying and doing her best to convince me that the material I already taught her has fallen out of her head.

I understand how the fear of a subject can intimidate a student. I was completely unsettled by algebra II and calculus as a student, but as I return to those subjects now as the teacher, I cannot understand what I was so afraid of. It's all very logical when you look at it. But I am more eager to learn now than I was then. I'm sure that makes a difference.

Anyway, we use Alpha Omega for our curriculum and have been more than satisfied with the content. This coming year Meyson, Brianna, and Cody will be utilizing Switched On Schoolhouse. The lessons, tests, and quizzes are all done on the computer with essays, projects, and experiments to be done additionally away from the computer. Three students full time on the computer means that our resources are tapped. We have one desktop that we bought almost 3 years ago, one desktop that was given to us last year, and my personal laptop which is about 5 years old. One of the desktops needs some help. I think it is overheating and it just shuts down. Usually when you are in the middle of something important.

Carson, Memphis, Silas, and Nicole's son Dexter will be working directly with me. Poor kids. Actually Memphis, Silas, and Dex will be attending preschool at our church 2 days a week, but will be forced to endure me on the other 3 days.

I have struggled with myself and any curriculum I've used because providing education for children is very high pressure. Or at least it should be. Their chances for success depend on the things they are taught. And not just in regard to academics. But I have a desire to provide as well-rounded an academic experience as is possible.

I hope the kids are ready for a challenging year. We've never used SOS full time before so I don't really know what to expect as far as the daily commitment is concerned. We will be finding out. Wish us luck!

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Anonymous Ryan said...

We're so glad to hear you're using Alpha Omega Publications for your homeschool curriculum. It sounds like you have a great heart for what you're doing!

In case you weren't aware, we have free webinars available to get trained on the SOS software. You can learn more about them and sign up here:

Have a great week!

Ryan from Alpha Omega Publications

7/6/10, 6:08 AM  
Blogger Megan said...

Thank you Ryan! I didn't know about the webinars but I will be sure to check them out.

7/6/10, 9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Stephanie. I've lost your number and email. I'm looking for new preschool curriculum for the PDO I work at. Do you have any particular preschool stuff you've used in the past that you've like? Would you mind if I looked at it before I purchased anthing?

8/10/10, 3:38 PM  
Blogger Megan said...

I've used Horizons in the past and will be using it again this year. Alpha Omega sells it at www. aop. com and Mardel also carries some of it. You are welcome to come check it out. It's good to hear from you! I hope you are all doing well. I'm sure all of the kids have grown so much! My email is

8/10/10, 8:15 PM  

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