Friday, February 22, 2008

Ahead of Her Time

Today we planned on going to a nearby museum that Cody always enjoys. Both her and Carson had money that was burning a hole in their pockets, so I reminded them that there was a gift shop at the museum. They raced from my sight and returned in split second, Cody holding her purse, Carson clutching her piggy bank.

I told Carson that I was pretty sure the museum didn't allow pigs and that maybe we should get the money out of her bank before we went. She agreed and I pulled the plug and proceeded to shake the money out.

What I saw was not quite what I had expected. There were several receipts for various items and...a lottery ticket. A lottery ticket. A real one. Seriously, Nicole grabbed a ticket for us on our way to Dallas a couple of weeks ago, but I'm pretty sure I didn't end up with it. And before that, I can't remember the last time I bought one. I spent the next hour searching her room for her fake ID and her secret stash of credit cards.

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